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2 papers accepted at ASE 2024: BenchCloud and CoVeriTeam GUI

Prof. Dr. Dirk Beyer

Full Professor, Head of Research Chair (Lehrstuhlinhaber)

Picture of Prof. Dr. Dirk Beyer

Software and Computational Systems Lab
Department of Computer Science
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU Munich)
Oettingenstraße 67
80538 Munich (Germany)

Room 062, Oettingenstr. 67
Office hours
Wed 10-11 (by appointment)
+49 89 2180 9151


Please send me encrypted mails!
My GPG key: 0xFA7541D4
Fingerprint: D01F 72A6 EF21 E258 BEF5 2D02 96A2 AE57 FA75 41D4

Personals Publications, DBLP, Google Scholar, ORCID, Semantic Scholar, Dimensions, ACM
Biographical sketch
Curriculum vitae
You can also follow me on Twitter and Facebook.
NEW State of the Art in Software Verification and Witness Validation: SV-COMP 2024 (TACAS 2024)
Bridging Hardware and Software Analysis with Btor2C: A Word-Level-Circuit-to-C Translator (TACAS 2023)
Competition on Software Verification and Witness Validation: SV-COMP 2023 (TACAS 2023)
Software Testing: 5th Comparative Evaluation: Test-Comp 2023 (FASE 2023)
Decomposing Software Verification into Off-the-Shelf Components: An Application to CEGAR (ICSE 2022)
Research I am one of the PIs of the Research Training Group ConVeY (DFG-Graduiertenkolleg).
My research focuses on models, algorithms, and tools for the construction and analysis of reliable software systems, in particular:
Interfaces for component-based design (download Chic)
Software model checking and static analysis (download CPAchecker, BLAST, CSIsat)
Structure analysis and comprehension of large systems (download CrocoPat or CCVisu)
Formal verification of real-time systems (download Rabbit)
Service 6th Intl. Competition on Software Testing (Test-Comp '23)
13th Intl. TACAS Competition on Software Verification (SV-COMP '23)
ETAPS 2022 General Co-Chair
PC Chair: VMCAI 2020 (Jan 19-21, 2020, New Orleans, USA)
4th Intl. Workshop on CPAchecker (CPA '19)
PC Chair: TACAS 2018
CAV 2015 Workshops
... more organization and program committees
Courses offered: current term, next term
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People Team
Information for prospective students
Technical hints for writing a paper
Software that I use
Software BenchExec: Reliable Benchmarking and Resource Measurement
BLAST: Model Checking of Software
CCVisu: Visual Clustering and Software-Structure Assessment
CheckDep: Tracking Software Dependencies
Chic: Checking Interface Compatibility
CPAchecker: Configurable Software Verification
CrocoPat: Relational Programming (for Software-Structure Analysis)
CSIsat: Interpolation for LA+EUF
DepDigger: Detecting Complex Low-Level Dependencies
JavaSMT: A Unified Interface for SMT Solvers in Java
Rabbit: Verification of Real-Time Systems
... more