This training course offers you the opportunity to gain in-depth
knowledge and hands-on experience in the context of software verification.
Provided topics may focus on literature research, evaluation or implementation in the area of formal software verification and related fields.
Students will be required to write a seminar work report
and present their results at the end of the course.
Prior topics were, for example:
- Abstraction-Driven Concolic Testing
- Loop-invariant Generation with SymPy
- Compact Symbolic Execution
For this course,
existing knowledge of the course „Formal Specification and Verification 2“ (or similar) is strongly encouraged.
Students with existing knowledge in software verification and programming will be preferred during the allocation process.
If applicable, please provide information about your knowledge during the application in UniWorx.
- 24.09.2018, 08:00: Registration Deadline
Learning Material
Target Audience
MSc Computer Science.
Required Knowledge
- Formal Specification and Verification 1
- Formal Specification and Verification 2
Useful Links