Po-Chun Chien / 錢柏均

Software and Computational Systems Lab
Department of Computer Science
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU Munich)
Oettingenstraße 67
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Thesis Mentoring
Available topics
Btor2 Frontend for ABC [1]
Background: Btor2 [1] is a bit-precise language that models word-level sequential circuits, and has been adopted by the Hardware Model Checking Competition. ABC [2] is a framework for logic synthesis and verification. It supports primary bit-level AIGER circuits but also has a frontend for word-level circuits written in Verilog HDL.
Goal: In this project, we want to implement a new word-level frontend in ABC that handles Btor2. With this new frontend, ABC could verify a Btor2 circuit via bit-blasting.
Requirements: (general information)
- Ability to program in C
- Knowledge of sequential logic circuit and SAT/SMT solving
Currently assigned topics
Algorithm Selection for Btor2 Verification Tasks using Circuit Structure Information [1, 2, 3]
Background: Btor2 [1] is a bit-precise language that models word-level sequential circuits, and has been adopted by the Hardware Model Checking Competition. Btor2C [2] is a hardware-to-software translator that converts circuits in Btor2 format to C programs. With Btor2C, one could analyze hardware designs with off-the-shelf software verifiers.
Goal: Now that a large collection of tools from both hardware and software verification communities are at our disposal, we want to combine forces of them via machine learning (ML). The objective is to construct a selector using information of the Btor2 circuit structure [3], and train it on a large Btor2 dataset. Given a Btor2 task, the ML-based selector can then predict the best-suited tool/algorithm(s) for solving it.
Requirements: (general information)
- Ability to program in Python
- Basic knowledge of graph kernel, Kripke structure, and SAT/SMT solving
- Practical knowledge of support vector machine, decision/boosting tree, and random forest
Finished topics
Reverse Program Synthesis for Backward Reachability Analysis [1]
Description: In most verification tools, the reachability analysis searches for a path from the initial program location to the error location. The analysis could also be done backward, i.e. tries to reach the initial location from the error location. The goal of this project is to implement a control-flow automata (CFA) transformer in CPAchecker that reverses program executions by following the transitions backward. One could then apply existing analysis to verify the reverse CFA.
Requirements: (general information)
- Ability to program in Java and understand C code
- Basic knowledge of control-flow automata
Improving the Encoding of Arrays in Btor2-to-C Translation [1, 2]
Background: Btor2 [1] is a bit-precise language that models word-level sequential circuits, and has been adopted by the Hardware Model Checking Competition. Btor2C [2] is a hardware-to-software translator that converts circuits in Btor2 format to C programs. With Btor2C, one could analyze hardware designs with off-the-shelf software analyzers. Currently, on every write of an array, Btor2C creates a copy of it, even when unnecessary (see this issue). This might put burdens on software analyzers and hinders their performance.
Goal: The goal of this project is to alleviate such situation and allocate a new array only when necessary. Additionally, we also want to implement a translator that converts Btor2 array tasks to pure bit-vector tasks by blasting the array operations (read
and write
) into a chain of ite
Requirements: (general information)
- Ability to program in C (and/or Python)
- Basic knowledge of Kripke structure and SAT/SMT solving
Validation-via-Verification for Hardware Btor2 Circuits [1, 2, 3, 4]
Background: Btor2 [1] is a bit-precise language that models word-level sequential circuits, and has been adopted by the Hardware Model Checking Competition. Btor2C [2] is a hardware-to-software translator that converts circuits in Btor2 format to C programs. With Btor2C, one could analyze hardware designs with off-the-shelf software verifiers. If a software verifier finds an error in the program, it generates a violation witness, which records the execution path leading to that error. On the other hand, if a software verifier proves a program correct, it generates a correctness witness [3] containing some program invariants that could reconstruct a correctness proof.
Goal: The goal of this project to certify the correctness witnesses (in GraphML format) produced by software verifiers by following the validation-via-verification approach [4]. The original Btor2 circuit is instrumented with the invariants from a correctness witness, and can then be independently solved by hardware verifiers.
Requirements: (general information)
- Ability to program in Python (, Java, and/or C)
- Basic knowledge of Kripke structure and SAT/SMT solving
Violation Witness Translation from C to Btor2 [1, 2, 3]
Background: Btor2 [1] is a bit-precise language that models word-level sequential circuits, and has been adopted by the Hardware Model Checking Competition. Btor2C [2] is a hardware-to-software translator that converts circuits in Btor2 format to C programs. With Btor2C, one could analyze hardware designs with off-the-shelf software verifiers. If a software verifier finds an error in the program, it generates a violation witness [3], which records the execution path leading to that error. On the other hand, if a software verifier proves a program correct, it generates a correctness witness containing some program invariants that could reconstruct a correctness proof.
Goal: The goal of this project to translate the violation witnesses in GraphML format produced by software verifiers to Btor2 format, such that one could use hardware simulators to validate them.
Requirements: (general information)
- Ability to program in Python (, Java, and/or C)
- Basic knowledge of Kripke structure and SAT/SMT solving
If you're a student interested in writing your thesis at our chair, you should also have a look at our full list of currently available theses.
- ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award at FSE 2024
- ACM SIGSOFT Best Artifact Award at FSE 2024
- Distinguished Artifact Award at TACAS 2024
- Best Paper Award at SPIN 2024
- An extended abstract of my dissertation project (WIP)
- CPAchecker: The Configurable Software-Verification Platform
- CPV: A Circuit-Based Program Verifier
- Btor2-Cert: A Certifying and Validating Hardware-Verification Framework Using Software Analyzers
- Btor2C: A Translator from Word-Level Verification Tasks in the Btor2 Format to C Programs
- Btor2-Val: A Witness Validator for Word-Level Hardware Model Checking
- MoXIchecker: An Extensible Model Checker for MoXI
- BenchCloud: A Platform for Scalable Performance Benchmarking
- HarnessForge: Automated Tooling for Generating Verification Tasks from Source Code Repositories
- WS 2024/25: Masterseminar "Deductive Software Verification"
- SS 2024: Masterseminar "Algorithms for Model Checking"
- SS 2024: Praktikum Software Engineering für Fortgeschrittene
- WS 2023/24: Masterseminar "Algorithms for Model Checking"
- SS 2023: Praktikum Software Engineering für Fortgeschrittene
- WS 2022/23: Bachelorseminar: "Software Verification: Tools and Techniques"
- SS 2022: Praktikum Software Engineering für Fortgeschrittene
- WS 2021/22: Software Verification
- WS 2021/22: Planmäßige Entwicklung eines größeren Softwaresystems