Dr. Karlheinz Friedberger

Software and Computational Systems Lab
Department of Computer Science
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU Munich)
Oettingenstraße 67
- firstname.lastname@ifi.lmu.de
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Teaching & Organization
LMU Munich:
- WS 2021: Softwaretechnik (Übung)
- SS 2020: Formale Sprachen und Komplexität (Übung)
- WS 2019/20: Softwaretechnik (Übung)
- WS 2019/20: Formale Sprachen und Komplexität (Moodle und Übung)
- WS 2019/20: Softwaretechnik (Übung)
- SS 2019: Praktikum "SEP: Java-Programmierung"
- WS 2018/19: Softwaretechnik (Übung)
- SS 2018: Praktikum "SEP: Java-Programmierung"
- WS 2017/18: Softwaretechnik (Übung)
- SS 2017: SWEP
University of Passau:
- WS 2016/17: Programmierung 2 (Übung)
- SS 2016: Software Engineering (Übung), Sommercamp Informatik
- WS 2015/16: Programmierung 2 (Übung), Entwurfsautomatisierung (Übung)
Project Participation
- CPAchecker
- JavaSMT
- BenchExec
- VerifierCloud
- Evaluation of Tools at the Competitions on Software Verification 2012, 2013, 2014, and 2015
Publications, Presentations, and Co (Full list on website, List at DBLP)
- Dissertation / PhD Thesis 2021: Effcient Software Model Checking with Block-Abstraction Memoization doi, pdf, slides
- ATVA 2021: PJBDD: A BDD Library for Java and Multi-Threading, doi, pdf
- CAV 2021: JavaSMT 3: Interacting with SMT Solvers in Java, doi, pdf, video
- ISoLA 2020: Violation Witnesses and Result Validation for Multi-Threaded Programs, pdf, supplementary website
- ESEC/FSE 2020: Domain-Independent Interprocedural Program Analysis using Block-Abstraction Memoization, doi, pdf, video, supplementary artifact
- ISoLA 2018: In-Place vs. Copy-on-Write CEGAR Refinement for Block Summarization with Caching, pdf, slides, supplementary website
- CPA 2018: Domain-Independent Multi-threaded Software Model Checking, slides
- ASE 2018: Domain-Independent Multi-threaded Software Model Checking, pdf, supplementary website
- AVM 2017: Block-Abstraction Memoization with CEGAR (In-Place vs. Copy-On-Write Refinement), poster
- CPA 2017: Block Abstraction Memoization with Copy-On-Write Refinement, slides
- TACAS 2017: CPAchecker for Reachability, Memory Safety, Overflows, Concurrency, and Termination (Competition Contribution), poster
- TACAS 2017: CPA-BAM-BnB: Block-Abstraction Memoization and Region-Based Memory Models for Predicate Abstractions (Competition Contribution), doi
- MEMICS 2016: A Light-Weight Approach for Verifying Multi-Threaded Programs with CPAchecker, doi, pdf
- CPA 2016: A Light-Weight Approach for Verifying Multi-Threaded Programs with CPAchecker, slides
- RERS 2016: Gold medal in Reachability Plain and silver medal in Reachability Arithmetic, results
- VSTTE 2016: JavaSMT: A Unified Interface for SMT Solvers in Java, doi, project
- TACAS 2016: CPA-BAM: Block-Abstraction Memoization in CPAchecker (Competition Contribution), doi, pdf, slides
- Master's Thesis 2015: Block-Abstraction Memoization as an Approach to Verify Recursive Procedures, pdf
- HVC 2013: Domain Types: Abstract-Domain Selection Based on Variable Usage, doi, pdf
- Bachelor's Thesis 2012: Ein typbasierter Ansatz zur Kombination verschiedener Verifikationstechniken, pdf