We are hiring new doctoral researchers, student research assistants, and tutors. Apply now!
Paper accepted at HSCC 2025

Martin Spiessl

Picture of Martin Spiessl

Software and Computational Systems Lab
Department of Computer Science
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU Munich)
Oettingenstraße 67
80538 Munich (Germany)

Room F 012, Oettingenstr. 67
E-Mail (Teaching, LMU)
(Please replace "lastname" with my last name)
Office Hours
by appointment, just write me an e-mail, then we can arrange a meeting via meet.lrz.de; you also have good chances to find me at chat.ifi.lmu.de (RBG Information about the chat)


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My GPG key:
Fingerprint: 2663 F150 8204 6BDB 63DA 2A32 463C BA0F BEEF 6CEA