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Publications of year 1998

Articles in conference or workshop proceedings

  1. Dirk Beyer and Heinrich Rust. Modeling a Production Cell as a Distributed Real-Time System with Cottbus Timed Automata. In H. König and P. Langendörfer, editors, Tagungsband Formale Beschreibungstechniken für verteilte Systeme (FBT 1998, Cottbus, June 4-5), pages 148-159, 1998. Shaker Verlag, Aachen. Link to this entry Keyword(s): Formal Verification of Real-Time Systems PDF
    We build on work in designing modeling languages for hybrid systems in the development of CTA, the Cottbus Timed Automata. Our design features a facility to specify a hybrid system modulary and hierarchically, communication through CSP-like synchronizations but with special support to specify explicitly different roles which the interface signals and variables of a module play, and to instantiate recurring elements serveral times from a template. Continuous system components are modeled with analogue variables having piecewise constant derivatives. Discrete system aspects like control modes are modeled with the discrete variables and the states of a finite automaton. Our approach to specifying distributed hybrid systems is illustrated with the specification of a component of a production cell, a transport belt.
    BibTeX Entry
    @inproceedings{FBT98, author = {Dirk Beyer and Heinrich Rust}, title = {Modeling a Production Cell as a Distributed Real-Time System with {C}ottbus {T}imed {A}utomata}, booktitle = {Tagungsband Formale Beschreibungstechniken f{\"u}r verteilte Systeme (FBT~1998, Cottbus, June 4-5)}, editor = {H.~K{\"o}nig and P.~Langend{\"o}rfer}, pages = {148-159}, year = {1998}, publisher = {Shaker Verlag, Aachen}, isbn = {}, pdf = {https://www.sosy-lab.org/research/pub/1998-FBT.Modeling_a_Production_Cell_as_a_Distributed_Real-Time_System_with.Cottbus_Timed_Automata.pdf}, abstract = {We build on work in designing modeling languages for hybrid systems in the development of CTA, the Cottbus Timed Automata. Our design features a facility to specify a hybrid system modulary and hierarchically, communication through CSP-like synchronizations but with special support to specify explicitly different roles which the interface signals and variables of a module play, and to instantiate recurring elements serveral times from a template. Continuous system components are modeled with analogue variables having piecewise constant derivatives. Discrete system aspects like control modes are modeled with the discrete variables and the states of a finite automaton. Our approach to specifying distributed hybrid systems is illustrated with the specification of a component of a production cell, a transport belt.}, keyword = {Formal Verification of Real-Time Systems}, annote = {The first published paper where we introduce the concepts of Cottbus Timed Automata, i.e. modules, interfaces and a modeling example.}, doinone = {DOI not available}, }
    Additional Infos
    The first published paper where we introduce the concepts of Cottbus Timed Automata, i.e. modules, interfaces and a modeling example.

Theses and projects (PhD, MSc, BSc, Project)

  1. Rabbit: Verification of Real-Time Systems. 1998. Link to this entry Keyword(s): Software Development Project, Formal Verification of Real-Time Systems Supplement
    BibTeX Entry
    @misc{Rabbit, title = {{{\sc Rabbit}}: Verification of Real-Time Systems}, year = {1998}, url = {http://www.sosy-lab.org/~dbeyer/Rabbit/}, keyword = {Software Development Project,Formal Verification of Real-Time Systems}, role = {Principal designer and implementer}, }


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Last modified: Thu Feb 27 16:41:32 2025 UTC