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Talks of year 2018

Guest lectures, invited talks, and tutorials

  1. Dirk Beyer. Cooperative Verification. Invited talk at BTU Cottbus, 28. September 2018. Link to this entry Presentation
    BibTeX Entry
    @invitedtalk{CottbusCooperativeVerification, author = {Dirk Beyer}, title = {Cooperative Verification}, year = {2018}, presentation = {https://www.sosy-lab.org/research/prs/2018-09-28_BTU-Cottbus_CooperativeVerification_Dirk.pdf}, day = {28}, month = {September}, venue = {BTU Cottbus}, video = {}, }
  2. Dirk Beyer. Cooperative Verification. Invited talk at Konstanz-CooperativeVerification, 19. July 2018. Link to this entry Presentation
    BibTeX Entry
    @invitedtalk{KonstanzCooperativeVerification, author = {Dirk Beyer}, title = {Cooperative Verification}, year = {2018}, presentation = {https://www.sosy-lab.org/research/prs/2018-07-19_Konstanz-CooperativeVerification_Dirk.pdf}, day = {19}, month = {July}, venue = {Konstanz-CooperativeVerification}, video = {}, }
  3. Dirk Beyer. Cooperative Verification. Invited talk at fortiss-CooperativeVerification, 27. July 2018. Link to this entry Presentation
    BibTeX Entry
    @invitedtalk{fortissCooperativeVerification, author = {Dirk Beyer}, title = {Cooperative Verification}, year = {2018}, presentation = {https://www.sosy-lab.org/research/prs/2018-07-27_fortiss-CooperativeVerification_Dirk.pdf}, day = {27}, month = {July}, venue = {fortiss-CooperativeVerification}, video = {}, }
  4. Dirk Beyer. Cooperative Verification (Keynote). Invited talk at TAP18, 27. June 2018. Link to this entry Presentation
    BibTeX Entry
    @invitedtalk{TAP18CooperativeVerification, author = {Dirk Beyer}, title = {Cooperative Verification (Keynote)}, year = {2018}, presentation = {https://www.sosy-lab.org/research/prs/2018-06-27_TAP18-Keynote-CooperativeVerification_Dirk.pdf}, day = {27}, month = {June}, venue = {TAP18}, video = {}, }
  5. Dirk Beyer. Stateful-and-Witnesses. Invited talk at LMU Munich (FSV2), 23. January 2018. Link to this entry Presentation
    BibTeX Entry
    @invitedtalk{FSV2Witnesses, author = {Dirk Beyer}, title = {Stateful-and-Witnesses}, year = {2018}, presentation = {https://www.sosy-lab.org/research/prs/2018-01-23_FSV2-All_Stateful-and-Witnesses.pdf}, day = {23}, month = {January}, venue = {LMU Munich (FSV2)}, video = {}, }
  6. Dirk Beyer. Stateful-Verification. Invited talk at LMU Munich (FSV2), 23. January 2018. Link to this entry Presentation
    BibTeX Entry
    @invitedtalk{FSV2Part1, author = {Dirk Beyer}, title = {Stateful-Verification}, year = {2018}, presentation = {https://www.sosy-lab.org/research/prs/2018-01-23_FSV2-Part1_Stateful-Verification.pdf}, day = {23}, month = {January}, venue = {LMU Munich (FSV2)}, video = {}, }
  7. Dirk Beyer. CorrectnessWitnesses. Invited talk at LMU Munich (FSV2), 23. January 2018. Link to this entry Presentation
    BibTeX Entry
    @invitedtalk{FSV2Part2, author = {Dirk Beyer}, title = {CorrectnessWitnesses}, year = {2018}, presentation = {https://www.sosy-lab.org/research/prs/2018-01-23_FSV2-Part2_CorrectnessWitnesses.pdf}, day = {23}, month = {January}, venue = {LMU Munich (FSV2)}, video = {}, }
  8. Dirk Beyer. ExecutionBasedValidation. Invited talk at LMU Munich (FSV2), 23. January 2018. Link to this entry Presentation
    BibTeX Entry
    @invitedtalk{FSV2Part3, author = {Dirk Beyer}, title = {ExecutionBasedValidation}, year = {2018}, presentation = {https://www.sosy-lab.org/research/prs/2018-01-23_FSV2-Part3_ExecutionBasedValidation.pdf}, day = {23}, month = {January}, venue = {LMU Munich (FSV2)}, video = {}, }
  9. Dirk Beyer. Conclusion. Invited talk at LMU Munich (FSV2), 23. January 2018. Link to this entry Presentation
    BibTeX Entry
    @invitedtalk{FSV2Part4, author = {Dirk Beyer}, title = {Conclusion}, year = {2018}, presentation = {https://www.sosy-lab.org/research/prs/2018-01-23_FSV2-Part4_Conclusion.pdf}, day = {23}, month = {January}, venue = {LMU Munich (FSV2)}, video = {}, }

Conference and other Presentations

  1. Dirk Beyer. Applying CPAchecker to Large Explicit State Spaces. Conference talk at ISoLA18, 08. November 2018. Link to this entry Presentation
    BibTeX Entry
    @conferencetalk{ISoLA18RersCPAchecker, author = {Dirk Beyer}, title = {Applying CPAchecker to Large Explicit State Spaces}, year = {2018}, presentation = {https://www.sosy-lab.org/research/prs/2018-11-08_ISoLA18_RERS-CPAchecker-Participation-Report_Dirk.pdf}, day = {08}, month = {November}, venue = {ISoLA18}, video = {}, }
  2. Dirk Beyer. In-Place vs. Copy-on-Write CEGAR Refinement for Block Summarization with Caching. Conference talk at ISoLA18, 06. November 2018. Link to this entry Presentation
    BibTeX Entry
    @conferencetalk{ISoLA18Bam, author = {Dirk Beyer}, title = {In-Place vs. Copy-on-Write CEGAR Refinement for Block Summarization with Caching}, year = {2018}, presentation = {https://www.sosy-lab.org/research/prs/2018-11-06_ISoLA18_BAM-CoW-Refinement_Dirk.pdf}, day = {06}, month = {November}, venue = {ISoLA18}, video = {}, }
  3. Dirk Beyer. Strategy Selection. Conference talk at ISoLA18, 05. November 2018. Link to this entry Presentation
    BibTeX Entry
    @conferencetalk{ISoLA18StrategySelection, author = {Dirk Beyer}, title = {Strategy Selection}, year = {2018}, presentation = {https://www.sosy-lab.org/research/prs/2018-11-05_ISoLA18_StrategySelection_Dirk.pdf}, day = {05}, month = {November}, venue = {ISoLA18}, video = {}, }
  4. Martin Spiessl. Slicing Abstractions. Conference talk at CPA18, 26. September 2018. Link to this entry Presentation
    BibTeX Entry
    @conferencetalk{CPA18SlicingAbstractions, author = {Martin Spiessl}, title = {Slicing Abstractions}, year = {2018}, presentation = {https://www.sosy-lab.org/research/prs/2018-09-26_CPA18_SlicingAbstractions_Martin.pdf}, day = {26}, month = {September}, venue = {CPA18}, video = {}, }
  5. Thomas Lemberger. CPA-SymExec: Efficient Symbolic Execution in CPAchecker. Conference talk at ASE18, 07. September 2018. Link to this entry Presentation
    BibTeX Entry
    @conferencetalk{ASE18SymExec, author = {Thomas Lemberger}, title = {CPA-SymExec: Efficient Symbolic Execution in CPAchecker}, year = {2018}, presentation = {https://www.sosy-lab.org/research/prs/2018-09-07_ASE18_CPASymExec_Thomas.pdf}, day = {07}, month = {September}, venue = {ASE18}, video = {}, }
  6. Karlheinz Friedberger. Domain-Independent Multi-threaded Software Model Checking. Conference talk at ASE18, 07. September 2018. Link to this entry Presentation
    BibTeX Entry
    @conferencetalk{ASE18Bam, author = {Karlheinz Friedberger}, title = {Domain-Independent Multi-threaded Software Model Checking}, year = {2018}, presentation = {https://www.sosy-lab.org/research/prs/2018-09-07_ASE18_ParallelBAM_Karlheinz.pdf}, day = {07}, month = {September}, venue = {ASE18}, video = {}, }
  7. Marie-Christine Jakobs. CooperativeTestCaseGeneration. Conference talk at CPA18, 25. September 2018. Link to this entry Presentation
    BibTeX Entry
    @conferencetalk{CPA18CoVeriTest, author = {Marie-Christine Jakobs}, title = {CooperativeTestCaseGeneration}, year = {2018}, presentation = {https://www.sosy-lab.org/research/prs/2018-09-25_CPA18_CooperativeTestCaseGeneration_Marie.pdf}, day = {25}, month = {September}, venue = {CPA18}, video = {}, }
  8. Philipp Wendler. New Developments In BenchExec. Conference talk at CPA18, 25. September 2018. Link to this entry Presentation
    BibTeX Entry
    @conferencetalk{CPA18Benchexec, author = {Philipp Wendler}, title = {New Developments In BenchExec}, year = {2018}, presentation = {https://www.sosy-lab.org/research/prs/2018-09-25_CPA18_NewDevelopmentsInBenchExec_Philipp.pdf}, day = {25}, month = {September}, venue = {CPA18}, video = {}, }
  9. Karlheinz Friedberger. Domain-Independent Multi-threaded Software Model Checking. Conference talk at CPA18, 25. September 2018. Link to this entry Presentation
    BibTeX Entry
    @conferencetalk{CPA18Bam, author = {Karlheinz Friedberger}, title = {Domain-Independent Multi-threaded Software Model Checking}, year = {2018}, presentation = {https://www.sosy-lab.org/research/prs/2018-09-25_CPA18_ParallelBAM_Karlheinz.pdf}, day = {25}, month = {September}, venue = {CPA18}, video = {}, }
  10. Dirk Beyer. Reducer-Based Construction of Conditional Model Checkers. Conference talk at CPA18, 25. September 2018. Link to this entry Presentation
    BibTeX Entry
    @conferencetalk{CPA18Reducers, author = {Dirk Beyer}, title = {Reducer-Based Construction of Conditional Model Checkers}, year = {2018}, presentation = {https://www.sosy-lab.org/research/prs/2018-09-25_CPA18_ReducerBasedConstruction_Dirk.pdf}, day = {25}, month = {September}, venue = {CPA18}, video = {}, }
  11. Matthias Dangl. StrategySelection. Conference talk at CPA18, 25. September 2018. Link to this entry Presentation
    BibTeX Entry
    @conferencetalk{CPA18StrategySelection, author = {Matthias Dangl}, title = {StrategySelection}, year = {2018}, presentation = {https://www.sosy-lab.org/research/prs/2018-09-25_CPA18_StrategySelection_Matthias.pdf}, day = {25}, month = {September}, venue = {CPA18}, video = {}, }
  12. Thomas Lemberger. Incremental Slicing. CEGAR + Program Slicing. Conference talk at CPA18, 26. September 2018. Link to this entry Presentation
    BibTeX Entry
    @conferencetalk{CPA18IncrementalSlicing, author = {Thomas Lemberger}, title = {Incremental Slicing. CEGAR + Program Slicing}, year = {2018}, presentation = {https://www.sosy-lab.org/research/prs/2018-09-26_CPA18_IncrementalSlicing_Thomas.pdf}, day = {26}, month = {September}, venue = {CPA18}, video = {}, }
  13. Marie-Christine Jakobs. ReducerBasedConstructionOfConditionalVerifiers. Conference talk at ICSE18, 01. June 2018. Link to this entry Presentation
    BibTeX Entry
    @conferencetalk{ICSE18, author = {Marie-Christine Jakobs}, title = {ReducerBasedConstructionOfConditionalVerifiers}, year = {2018}, presentation = {https://www.sosy-lab.org/research/prs/2018-06-01_ICSE18_ReducerBasedConstructionOfConditionalVerifiers_Marie.pdf}, day = {01}, month = {June}, venue = {ICSE18}, video = {}, }
  14. Philipp Wendler. Beiträge Zu Praktikabler Prädikatenanalyse. Conference talk at GiDiss, 08. May 2018. Link to this entry Presentation
    BibTeX Entry
    @conferencetalk{GiDissWendler, author = {Philipp Wendler}, title = {Beiträge Zu Praktikabler Prädikatenanalyse}, year = {2018}, presentation = {https://www.sosy-lab.org/research/prs/2018-05-08_GiDiss_BeitraegeZuPraktikablerPraedikatenanalyse.pdf}, day = {08}, month = {May}, venue = {GiDiss}, video = {}, }
  15. Dirk Beyer. CPAchecker. Conference talk at SSFT Summer School18, 23. May 2018. Link to this entry Presentation
    BibTeX Entry
    @conferencetalk{SSFTSummerSchoolPart1, author = {Dirk Beyer}, title = {CPAchecker}, year = {2018}, presentation = {https://www.sosy-lab.org/research/prs/2018-05-23_SSFTSummerSchoolPart1_CPAchecker.pdf}, day = {23}, month = {May}, venue = {SSFT Summer School18}, video = {}, }
  16. Dirk Beyer. AlgorithmsSMT. Conference talk at SSFT Summer School18, 23. May 2018. Link to this entry Presentation
    BibTeX Entry
    @conferencetalk{SSFTSummerSchoolPart2, author = {Dirk Beyer}, title = {AlgorithmsSMT}, year = {2018}, presentation = {https://www.sosy-lab.org/research/prs/2018-05-23_SSFTSummerSchoolPart2_AlgorithmsSMT.pdf}, day = {23}, month = {May}, venue = {SSFT Summer School18}, video = {}, }
  17. Dirk Beyer. CMC-Reducers. Conference talk at SSFT Summer School18, 24. May 2018. Link to this entry Presentation
    BibTeX Entry
    @conferencetalk{SSFTSummerSchoolPart3, author = {Dirk Beyer}, title = {CMC-Reducers}, year = {2018}, presentation = {https://www.sosy-lab.org/research/prs/2018-05-24_SSFTSummerSchoolPart3_CMC-Reducers.pdf}, day = {24}, month = {May}, venue = {SSFT Summer School18}, video = {}, }
  18. Dirk Beyer. CorrectnessWitnesses. Conference talk at SSFT Summer School18, 24. May 2018. Link to this entry Presentation
    BibTeX Entry
    @conferencetalk{SSFTSummerSchoolPart4, author = {Dirk Beyer}, title = {CorrectnessWitnesses}, year = {2018}, presentation = {https://www.sosy-lab.org/research/prs/2018-05-24_SSFTSummerSchoolPart4_CorrectnessWitnesses.pdf}, day = {24}, month = {May}, venue = {SSFT Summer School18}, video = {}, }
  19. Dirk Beyer. TestsFromWitnesses. Conference talk at SSFT Summer School18, 24. May 2018. Link to this entry Presentation
    BibTeX Entry
    @conferencetalk{SSFTSummerSchoolPart5, author = {Dirk Beyer}, title = {TestsFromWitnesses}, year = {2018}, presentation = {https://www.sosy-lab.org/research/prs/2018-05-24_SSFTSummerSchoolPart5_TestsFromWitnesses.pdf}, day = {24}, month = {May}, venue = {SSFT Summer School18}, video = {}, }
  20. Dirk Beyer. CPAchecker. Conference talk at RiSE-Winterschool18, 08. February 2018. Link to this entry Presentation
    BibTeX Entry
    @conferencetalk{RiSEWinterSchoolPart1, author = {Dirk Beyer}, title = {CPAchecker}, year = {2018}, presentation = {https://www.sosy-lab.org/research/prs/2018-02-08_RiSE-WinterSchool-Part1_CPAchecker.pdf}, day = {08}, month = {February}, venue = {RiSE-Winterschool18}, video = {}, }
  21. Dirk Beyer. LazyAbstraction. Conference talk at RiSE-Winterschool18, 08. February 2018. Link to this entry Presentation
    BibTeX Entry
    @conferencetalk{RiSEWinterSchoolPart2, author = {Dirk Beyer}, title = {LazyAbstraction}, year = {2018}, presentation = {https://www.sosy-lab.org/research/prs/2018-02-08_RiSE-WinterSchool-Part2_LazyAbstraction.pdf}, day = {08}, month = {February}, venue = {RiSE-Winterschool18}, video = {}, }
  22. Dirk Beyer. AlgorithmsSMT. Conference talk at RiSE-Winterschool18, 08. February 2018. Link to this entry Presentation
    BibTeX Entry
    @conferencetalk{RiSEWinterSchoolPart3, author = {Dirk Beyer}, title = {AlgorithmsSMT}, year = {2018}, presentation = {https://www.sosy-lab.org/research/prs/2018-02-08_RiSE-WinterSchool-Part3_AlgorithmsSMT.pdf}, day = {08}, month = {February}, venue = {RiSE-Winterschool18}, video = {}, }
  23. Dirk Beyer. Stateful-Verification. Conference talk at RiSE-Winterschool18, 08. February 2018. Link to this entry Presentation
    BibTeX Entry
    @conferencetalk{RiSEWinterSchoolPart4, author = {Dirk Beyer}, title = {Stateful-Verification}, year = {2018}, presentation = {https://www.sosy-lab.org/research/prs/2018-02-08_RiSE-WinterSchool-Part4_Stateful-Verification.pdf}, day = {08}, month = {February}, venue = {RiSE-Winterschool18}, video = {}, }


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Last modified: Mon Mar 31 21:35:34 2025 UTC