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Dirk Beyer - Papers How To

Technical Hints for Writing a Paper

The following principles are meant to make the collaborative development of a paper (written in LaTeX) more efficient. We have successfully used these principles since years and now compiled them here for our students and collaborators in order to make it more efficient for us to ask them to adhere. (This page is written by me but I received most of the guidelines myself as postdoc from Tom Henzinger.)

General Comments

Editing Text



Writing Style

Text Style

BibTeX File

Repository Organization

An advise that cannot be given often enough

"I think there is no substitute to a careful reading, in one sitting
from beginning to end, in order to catch inconsistencies (mark them
on paper; fix them later).  Just searching for words or patterns
within emacs often introduces more problems than it solves ..."
                                                          Tom Henzinger, 2006-10-13

Useful Links

Author: Dirk Beyer
Last check-in: $Date: 2009-01-05 07:58:21 $