Publications about Büchi Automata
Articles in conference or workshop proceedings
Tighter Construction of Tight Büchi Automata.
Keyword(s): Büchi Automata
Tight automata are useful in providing the shortest coun- terexample in LTL model checking and also in constructing a maximally satisfying strategy in LTL strategy synthesis. There exists a translation of LTL formulas to tight Büchi automata and several translations of Büchi automata to equivalent tight Büchi automata. This paper presents an- other translation of Büchi automata to equivalent tight Büchi automata. The translation is designed to produce smaller tight automata and it asymptotically improves the best-known upper bound on the size of a tight Büchi automaton equivalent to a given Büchi automaton. We also provide a lower bound, which is more precise than the previously known one. Further, we show that automata reduction methods based on quo- tienting preserve tightness. Our translation was implemented in a tool called Tightener. Experimental evaluation shows that Tightener usually produces smaller tight automata than the translation from LTL to tight automata known as CGH.BibTeX Entry
@inproceedings{JankolaFOSSACS2024, author = {Marek Jankola and Jan Strejček}, title = {Tighter Construction of Tight Büchi Automata}, year = {2024}, publisher = {Springer}, pdf = {}, abstract = {Tight automata are useful in providing the shortest coun- terexample in LTL model checking and also in constructing a maximally satisfying strategy in LTL strategy synthesis. There exists a translation of LTL formulas to tight Büchi automata and several translations of Büchi automata to equivalent tight Büchi automata. This paper presents an- other translation of Büchi automata to equivalent tight Büchi automata. The translation is designed to produce smaller tight automata and it asymptotically improves the best-known upper bound on the size of a tight Büchi automaton equivalent to a given Büchi automaton. We also provide a lower bound, which is more precise than the previously known one. Further, we show that automata reduction methods based on quo- tienting preserve tightness. Our translation was implemented in a tool called Tightener. Experimental evaluation shows that Tightener usually produces smaller tight automata than the translation from LTL to tight automata known as CGH.}, keyword = {Büchi Automata}, }
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