Publications about Competition on Software Testing (Test-Comp Report)
Articles in journal or book chapters
First International Competition on Software Testing.
International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer (STTT), 23(6):833-846,
Keyword(s): Competition on Software Testing (Test-Comp), Competition on Software Testing (Test-Comp Report), Software Testing Funding: DFG-COOP
Publisher's Version
BibTeX Entry
@article{TestComp19-STTT, author = {Dirk Beyer}, title = {First International Competition on Software Testing}, journal = {International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer (STTT)}, volume = {23}, number = {6}, pages = {833-846}, year = {2021}, doi = {10.1007/s10009-021-00613-3}, sha256 = {cd82a853fbbf65de7f95a9e7de4f36118bb35fb516db87421a0aa38ccc863031}, url = {}, pdf = {}, presentation = {}, abstract = {}, keyword = {Competition on Software Testing (Test-Comp),Competition on Software Testing (Test-Comp Report),Software Testing}, funding = {DFG-COOP}, issn = {1433-2787}, }
Articles in conference or workshop proceedings
Software Testing: 5th Comparative Evaluation: Test-Comp 2023.
In L. Lambers and
S. Uchitel, editors,
Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on
Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering
(FASE 2023, Paris, France, April 22-27),
LNCS 13991,
pages 309-323,
Keyword(s): Competition on Software Testing (Test-Comp), Competition on Software Testing (Test-Comp Report), Software Testing Funding: DFG-COOP
Publisher's Version
BibTeX Entry
@inproceedings{FASE23, author = {Dirk Beyer}, title = {Software Testing: 5th Comparative Evaluation: {Test-Comp 2023}}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering (FASE~2023, Paris, France, April 22-27)}, editor = {L. Lambers and S. Uchitel}, pages = {309--323}, year = {2023}, series = {LNCS~13991}, publisher = {Springer}, isbn = {}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-031-30826-0_17}, sha256 = {7110c26bf3c9311f84346a108a59318687bdadde4879f83d047f1a0fc546b630}, url = {}, keyword = {Competition on Software Testing (Test-Comp),Competition on Software Testing (Test-Comp Report),Software Testing}, _pdf = {}, funding = {DFG-COOP}, } -
Advances in Automatic Software Testing: Test-Comp 2022.
In E. B. Johnsen and
M. Wimmer, editors,
Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on
Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering
(FASE 2022, Munich, Germany, April 2-7),
LNCS 13241,
pages 321-335,
Keyword(s): Competition on Software Testing (Test-Comp), Competition on Software Testing (Test-Comp Report), Software Testing Funding: DFG-COOP
Publisher's Version
BibTeX Entry
@inproceedings{FASE22b, author = {Dirk Beyer}, title = {Advances in Automatic Software Testing: {Test-Comp 2022}}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering (FASE~2022, Munich, Germany, April 2-7)}, editor = {E.~B.~Johnsen and M.~Wimmer}, pages = {321-335}, year = {2022}, series = {LNCS~13241}, publisher = {Springer}, isbn = {}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-030-99429-7_18}, sha256 = {3f921c8f232a5c970f678889de8c402313049522a5dfa69ca68cd01d9dd9fce3}, url = {}, abstract = {}, keyword = {Competition on Software Testing (Test-Comp),Competition on Software Testing (Test-Comp Report),Software Testing}, _pdf = {}, funding = {DFG-COOP}, } -
Status Report on Software Testing: Test-Comp 2021.
In E. Guerra and
M. Stoelinga, editors,
Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on
Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering
(FASE 2021, Luxembourg, Luxembourg, March 27 - April 1),
LNCS 12649,
pages 341-357,
Keyword(s): Competition on Software Testing (Test-Comp), Competition on Software Testing (Test-Comp Report), Software Testing Funding: DFG-COOP
Publisher's Version
This report describes Test-Comp 2021, the 3rd edition of the Competition on Software Testing. The competition is a series of annual comparative evaluations of fully automatic software test generators for C programs. The competition has a strong focus on reproducibility of its results and its main goal is to provide an overview of the current state of the art in the area of automatic test-generation. The competition was based on 3 173 test-generation tasks for C programs. Each test-generation task consisted of a program and a test specification (error coverage, branch coverage). Test-Comp 2021 had 11 participating test generators from 6 countries.BibTeX Entry
@inproceedings{FASE21, author = {Dirk Beyer}, title = {Status Report on Software Testing: {Test-Comp 2021}}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering (FASE~2021, Luxembourg, Luxembourg, March 27 - April 1)}, editor = {E.~Guerra and M.~Stoelinga}, pages = {341-357}, year = {2021}, series = {LNCS~12649}, publisher = {Springer}, isbn = {978-3-030-71500-7}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-030-71500-7_17}, sha256 = {113b44c5be9f6d773ebd1a5cad91e8dc66f06d7af0b8c648c9dcea8d6bbc7e3d}, url = {}, abstract = {This report describes Test-Comp 2021, the 3rd edition of the Competition on Software Testing. The competition is a series of annual comparative evaluations of fully automatic software test generators for C programs. The competition has a strong focus on reproducibility of its results and its main goal is to provide an overview of the current state of the art in the area of automatic test-generation. The competition was based on 3 173 test-generation tasks for C programs. Each test-generation task consisted of a program and a test specification (error coverage, branch coverage). Test-Comp 2021 had 11 participating test generators from 6 countries.}, keyword = {Competition on Software Testing (Test-Comp),Competition on Software Testing (Test-Comp Report),Software Testing}, funding = {DFG-COOP}, } -
Second Competition on Software Testing: Test-Comp 2020.
In Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on
Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering (FASE 2020, Dublin, Ireland, April 25-30),
LNCS 12076,
pages 505-519,
Keyword(s): Competition on Software Testing (Test-Comp), Competition on Software Testing (Test-Comp Report), Software Testing
Publisher's Version
BibTeX Entry
@inproceedings{FASE20, author = {Dirk Beyer}, title = {Second Competition on Software Testing: {Test-Comp 2020}}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering (FASE~2020, Dublin, Ireland, April 25-30)}, pages = {505-519}, year = {2020}, series = {LNCS~12076}, publisher = {Springer}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-030-45234-6_25}, sha256 = {296b4caf885ae029e388c2ef8fd032f1ab55c07d5e8ea1064f2e50c08f5d6919}, url = {}, abstract = {}, keyword = {Competition on Software Testing (Test-Comp),Competition on Software Testing (Test-Comp Report),Software Testing}, artifact1 = {10.5281/zenodo.3678250}, artifact2 = {10.5281/zenodo.3678264}, artifact3 = {10.5281/zenodo.3678275}, artifact4 = {10.5281/zenodo.3574420}, } -
International Competition on Software Testing (Test-Comp).
In Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on
Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems (TACAS 2019, Prague, Czech Republic, April 6-11), part 3,
LNCS 11429,
pages 167-175,
Keyword(s): Competition on Software Testing (Test-Comp), Competition on Software Testing (Test-Comp Report), Software Testing
Publisher's Version
BibTeX Entry
@inproceedings{TACAS19c, author = {Dirk Beyer}, title = {International Competition on Software Testing (Test-Comp)}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems (TACAS~2019, Prague, Czech Republic, April 6-11), part 3}, pages = {167-175}, year = {2019}, series = {LNCS~11429}, publisher = {Springer}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-030-17502-3_11}, sha256 = {80ba1d656e40b44c40e756010ccd32db5aad71820cd746b264f70244477fc737}, url = {}, keyword = {Competition on Software Testing (Test-Comp),Competition on Software Testing (Test-Comp Report),Software Testing}, }
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