Publications about JavaSMT
Articles in conference or workshop proceedings
JavaSMT 3: Interacting with SMT Solvers in Java.
In A. Silva and
K. R. M. Leino, editors,
Proceedings of the 33rd International Conference on
Computer-Aided Verification
(CAV 2021, Los Angeles, California, USA, July 18-24),
LNCS 12760,
pages 1-13,
Keyword(s): JavaSMT Funding: DFG-CONVEY
Publisher's Version
BibTeX Entry
@inproceedings{CAV21, author = {Daniel Baier and Dirk Beyer and Karlheinz Friedberger}, title = {JavaSMT 3: Interacting with SMT Solvers in Java}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 33rd International Conference on Computer-Aided Verification (CAV~2021, Los Angeles, California, USA, July 18-24)}, editor = {A.~Silva and K.~R.~M.~Leino}, pages = {1-13}, year = {2021}, series = {LNCS~12760}, publisher = {Springer}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-030-81688-9_9}, sha256 = {6c0ff13c5dd8596e19be4176eefaafe5853d60a082b78ebd3f5e64381fdcb100}, url = {}, abstract = {}, keyword = {JavaSMT}, _pdf = {}, funding = {DFG-CONVEY}, }
Theses and projects (PhD, MSc, BSc, Project)
Extending the Framework JavaSMT with the SMT Solver Bitwuzla and Evaluation using CPAchecker.
at LMU Munich, Bachelor's Thesis, LMU Munich, Software Systems Lab,
Keyword(s): JavaSMT, SMT, Bitwuzla, CPAchecker
BibTeX Entry
@misc{LindnerDefense, author = {Heinrich Dennis Simon Lindner}, title = {Extending the Framework JavaSMT with the SMT Solver Bitwuzla and Evaluation using CPAchecker}, year = {2023}, pdf = {2023.Lindner.Extending_the_Framework_JavaSMT_with_the_SMT_Solver_Bitwuzla_and_Evaluation_using_CPAchecker.pdf}, keyword = {JavaSMT, SMT, Bitwuzla, CPAchecker}, field = {Computer Science}, howpublished = {Bachelor's Thesis, LMU Munich, Software Systems Lab}, venue = {LMU Munich}, } -
Extending the JavaSMT Framework with the Apron Library for Numerical Abstract Domain with subsequent Usability Assessment.
at LMU Munich, Bachelor's Thesis, LMU Munich, Software Systems Lab,
Keyword(s): Apron, SMT, Abstract Interpretation, JavaSMT
BibTeX Entry
@misc{RosBA, author = {Winnie Lilith Sofia Ros}, title = {Extending the JavaSMT Framework with the Apron Library for Numerical Abstract Domain with subsequent Usability Assessment}, year = {2023}, pdf = {2023.Ros.Extending_the_JavaSMT_Framework_with_the_Apron_Library_for_Numerical_Abstract_Domain_with_subsequent_Usability_Assessment.pdf}, keyword = {Apron, SMT, Abstract Interpretation, JavaSMT}, field = {Computer Science}, howpublished = {Bachelor's Thesis, LMU Munich, Software Systems Lab}, venue = {LMU Munich}, } -
Adding the SMT solver OpenSMT2 to the JavaSMT Framework and Evaluation using CPAchecker.
at LMU Munich, Bachelor's Thesis, LMU Munich, Software Systems Lab,
Keyword(s): SMT, JavaSMT, OpenSMT2, CPAchecker
BibTeX Entry
@misc{RafflerBA, author = {Daniel Raffler}, title = {Adding the SMT solver OpenSMT2 to the JavaSMT Framework and Evaluation using CPAchecker}, year = {2023}, pdf = {2023.Raffler.Adding_the_SMT_solver_OpenSMT2_to_the_JavaSMT_Framework_and_Evaluation_using_CPAchecker.pdf}, keyword = {SMT, JavaSMT, OpenSMT2, CPAchecker}, field = {Computer Science}, howpublished = {Bachelor's Thesis, LMU Munich, Software Systems Lab}, venue = {LMU Munich}, } -
Implementing a Solver-Independent SMT-LIB2 Parser-Interpreter and Code-Generator for JavaSMT with Subsequent Evaluation.
at LMU Munich, Bachelor's Thesis, LMU Munich, Software Systems Lab,
Keyword(s): JavaSMT, SMT-LIB2, SMT, CPAchecker
BibTeX Entry
@misc{KingBA, author = {Janelle King}, title = {Implementing a Solver-Independent SMT-LIB2 Parser-Interpreter and Code-Generator for JavaSMT with Subsequent Evaluation}, year = {2023}, pdf = {2023.King.Implementing_a_Solver-Independent_SMT-LIB2_Parser-Interpreter_and_Code-Generator_for_JavaSMT_with_Subsequent_Evaluation.pdf}, keyword = {JavaSMT, SMT-LIB2, SMT, CPAchecker}, field = {Computer Science}, howpublished = {Bachelor's Thesis, LMU Munich, Software Systems Lab}, venue = {LMU Munich}, } -
Solver-based Analysis of Memory Safety using Separation Logic.
Master's Thesis, LMU Munich, Software Systems Lab,
Keyword(s): CPAchecker, JavaSMT, Separation Logic, Software Model Checking
BibTeX Entry
@misc{BeckSeparationLogic, author = {Moritz Beck}, title = {Solver-based Analysis of Memory Safety using Separation Logic}, year = {2020}, pdf = {}, presentation = {}, keyword = {CPAchecker,JavaSMT,Separation Logic,Software Model Checking}, howpublished = {Master's Thesis, LMU Munich, Software Systems Lab}, } -
Interval-Based Optimization for SMT Solvers.
Bachelor's Thesis, LMU Munich, Software Systems Lab,
Keyword(s): JavaSMT
BibTeX Entry
@misc{RusanuIntervalSMTSolver, author = {Radu-Cristian Rusanu}, title = {Interval-Based Optimization for SMT Solvers}, year = {2020}, keyword = {JavaSMT}, field = {Computer Science}, howpublished = {Bachelor's Thesis, LMU Munich, Software Systems Lab}, } -
Extending the Framework JavaSMT with the SMT Solver Yices2.
Bachelor's Thesis, LMU Munich, Software Systems Lab,
Keyword(s): JavaSMT
BibTeX Entry
@misc{ObermeierYices2, author = {Michael Obermeier}, title = {Extending the Framework {{\sc JavaSMT}} with the {SMT} Solver {{\sc Yices2}}}, year = {2020}, pdf = {}, presentation = {}, keyword = {JavaSMT}, field = {Computer Science}, howpublished = {Bachelor's Thesis, LMU Munich, Software Systems Lab}, } -
Implementation and Evaluation of a Framework for Canonization and Caching of SMT Formulae.
Master's Thesis, LMU Munich, Software Systems Lab,
Keyword(s): JavaSMT, Software Model Checking
BibTeX Entry
@misc{KoosSMTCanonisationCaching, author = {Alexander Koos}, title = {Implementation and Evaluation of a Framework for Canonization and Caching of {SMT} Formulae}, year = {2019}, keyword = {JavaSMT,Software Model Checking}, howpublished = {Master's Thesis, LMU Munich, Software Systems Lab}, } -
Integration des SMT-Solvers Boolector in das Framework JavaSMT und Evaluation mit CPAchecker.
Bachelor's Thesis, LMU Munich, Software Systems Lab,
Keyword(s): JavaSMT
BibTeX Entry
@misc{BaierBoolector, author = {Daniel Baier}, title = {{Integration des SMT-Solvers Boolector in das Framework {{\sc JavaSMT}} und Evaluation mit {{\sc CPAchecker}}}}, year = {2019}, pdf = {}, presentation = {}, keyword = {JavaSMT}, field = {Computer Science}, howpublished = {Bachelor's Thesis, LMU Munich, Software Systems Lab}, } -
JavaSMT: A Unified Interface for SMT Solvers in Java.
Keyword(s): Software Development Project, JavaSMT
BibTeX Entry
@misc{JavaSMT, title = {{{\sc JavaSMT}}: A Unified Interface for {SMT} Solvers in {Java}}, year = {2015}, url = {}, keyword = {Software Development Project,JavaSMT}, role = {Contributor}, }
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