Publications of Martin Wirsing
Articles in journal or book chapters
In memory of Heinrich Hussmann, long-time friend and SoSyM editor.
Softw. Syst. Model., 22(2):453-454,
Publisher's Version
BibTeX Entry
@article{NachrufHussmann, author = {Manfred Broy and Albrecht Schmidt and Martin Wirsing}, title = {In memory of Heinrich Hussmann, long-time friend and SoSyM editor}, journal = {Softw. Syst. Model.}, volume = {22}, number = {2}, pages = {453--454}, year = {2023}, doi = {10.1007/s10270-023-01099-0}, pdf = {}, } -
A Reduction-based Cut-free Gentzen Calculus for Dynamic Epistemic Logic.
Logic Journal of the IGPL,
Publisher's Version
Dynamic epistemic logic (DEL) is a multi-modal logic for reasoning about the change of knowledge in multi-agent systems. It extends epistemic logic by a modal operator for actions which announce logical formulas to other agents. In Hilbert-style proof calculi for DEL, modal action formulas are reduced to epistemic logic, whereas current sequent calculi for DEL are labelled systems which internalize the semantic accessibility relation of the modal operators, as well as the accessibility relation underlying the semantics of the actions. We present a novel cut-free ordinary sequent calculus, called G4_P,A[], for propositional DEL. In contrast to the known sequent calculi, our calculus does not internalize the accessibility relations, but—similar to Hilbert style proof calculi—action formulas are reduced to epistemic formulas. Since no ordinary sequent calculus for full S5 modal logic is known, the proof rules for the knowledge operator and the Boolean operators are those of an underlying S4 modal calculus. We show the soundness and completeness of G4_P,A[] and prove also the admissibility of the cut-rule and of several other rules for introducing the action modality.BibTeX Entry
@article{WirsingJ22, author = {Martin Wirsing and and Alexander Knapp}, title = {A Reduction-based Cut-free Gentzen Calculus for Dynamic Epistemic Logic}, journal = {Logic Journal of the IGPL}, year = {2022}, doi = {10.1093/jigpal/jzac078}, pdf = {}, abstract = {Dynamic epistemic logic (DEL) is a multi-modal logic for reasoning about the change of knowledge in multi-agent systems. It extends epistemic logic by a modal operator for actions which announce logical formulas to other agents. In Hilbert-style proof calculi for DEL, modal action formulas are reduced to epistemic logic, whereas current sequent calculi for DEL are labelled systems which internalize the semantic accessibility relation of the modal operators, as well as the accessibility relation underlying the semantics of the actions. We present a novel cut-free ordinary sequent calculus, called G4_P,A[], for propositional DEL. In contrast to the known sequent calculi, our calculus does not internalize the accessibility relations, but—similar to Hilbert style proof calculi—action formulas are reduced to epistemic formulas. Since no ordinary sequent calculus for full S5 modal logic is known, the proof rules for the knowledge operator and the Boolean operators are those of an underlying S4 modal calculus. We show the soundness and completeness of G4_P,A[] and prove also the admissibility of the cut-rule and of several other rules for introducing the action modality.}, issn = {1367-0751}, month = {12}, } -
Agile governance for innovating higher education teaching and learning.
Rivista di Digital Politics(3/2021):543-558,
Società editrice il Mulino.
Publisher's Version
BibTeX Entry
@article{WirsingF21, author = {Martin Wirsing and Dieter Frey}, title = {Agile governance for innovating higher education teaching and learning}, journal = {Rivista di Digital Politics}, number = {3/2021}, pages = {543--558}, year = {2021}, publisher = {Società editrice il Mulino}, doi = {10.53227/103804}, pdf = {}, issn = {2785-0072}, urlpub = {}, } -
Synthesizing safe policies under probabilistic constraints with reinforcement learning and Bayesian model checking.
Sci. Comput. Program., 206:102620,
Publisher's Version
BibTeX Entry
@article{DBLP:journals/scp/BelznerW21, author = {Lenz Belzner and Martin Wirsing}, title = {Synthesizing safe policies under probabilistic constraints with reinforcement learning and Bayesian model checking}, journal = {Sci. Comput. Program.}, volume = {206}, pages = {102620}, year = {2021}, doi = {10.1016/j.scico.2021.102620}, } -
On methods and tools for rigorous system design.
Int. J. Softw. Tools Technol. Transf., 23(5):679-684,
Publisher's Version
BibTeX Entry
@article{DBLP:journals/sttt/BliudzeKBW21, author = {Simon Bliudze and Panagiotis Katsaros and Saddek Bensalem and Martin Wirsing}, title = {On methods and tools for rigorous system design}, journal = {Int. J. Softw. Tools Technol. Transf.}, volume = {23}, number = {5}, pages = {679--684}, year = {2021}, doi = {10.1007/s10009-021-00632-0}, } -
Rigorous engineering of collective adaptive systems: special section.
Int. J. Softw. Tools Technol. Transf., 22(4):389-397,
Publisher's Version
BibTeX Entry
@article{DBLP:journals/sttt/NicolaJW20, author = {Rocco De Nicola and Stefan J{\"{a}}hnichen and Martin Wirsing}, title = {Rigorous engineering of collective adaptive systems: special section}, journal = {Int. J. Softw. Tools Technol. Transf.}, volume = {22}, number = {4}, pages = {389--397}, year = {2020}, doi = {10.1007/s10009-020-00565-0}, } -
In A. Bode,
M. Broy,
H.-J. Bungartz, and
F. Matthes, editors,
50 Jahre Universitäts-Informatik in München,
pages 75-86,
Keyword(s): Software Model Checking
Publisher's Version
BibTeX Entry
@incollection{InfMUC17, author = {Dirk Beyer and Rolf Hennicker and Martin Hofmann and Tobias Nipkow and Martin Wirsing}, title = {Software-Verifikation}, booktitle = {50 Jahre Universit{\"a}ts-Informatik in M{\"u}nchen}, editor = {A.~Bode and M.~Broy and H.-J.~Bungartz and F.~Matthes}, pages = {75-86}, year = {2017}, publisher = {Springer}, isbn = {978-3-662-54711-3}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-662-54712-0_5}, sha256 = {}, pdf = {}, keyword = {Software Model Checking}, }
Articles in conference or workshop proceedings
Large Language Model Assisted Software Engineering: Prospects, Challenges, and a Case Study.
In Bernhard Steffen, editors,
Proc. AISoLA,
LNCS 14380,
To appear.
BibTeX Entry
@inproceedings{WirsingAISoLA23, author = {Lenz Belzner and Thomas Gabor and Martin Wirsing}, title = {Large Language Model Assisted Software Engineering: Prospects, Challenges, and a Case Study}, booktitle = {Proc. AISoLA}, editor = {Bernhard Steffen}, year = {2023}, series = {LNCS~14380}, publisher = {Springer}, pdf = {}, note = {To appear.}, } -
Towards Systematically Engineering Autonomous Systems using Reinforcement Learning and Planning.
In In Pedro López-García,
John P. Gallagher, and
Roberto Giacobazzi, editors,
Analysis, Verification and Transformation for Declarative Programming and Intelligent Systems - Essays Dedicated to Manuel Hermenegildo on the Occasion of His 60th Birthday,
LNCS 13160,
pages 281-306,
Publisher's Version
BibTeX Entry
@inproceedings{WirsingAVERTIS23, author = {Martin Wirsing and Lenz Belzner}, title = {Towards Systematically Engineering Autonomous Systems using Reinforcement Learning and Planning}, booktitle = {Analysis, Verification and Transformation for Declarative Programming and Intelligent Systems - Essays Dedicated to Manuel Hermenegildo on the Occasion of His 60th Birthday}, editor = {In Pedro López-García and John P. Gallagher and Roberto Giacobazzi}, pages = {281--306}, year = {2023}, series = {LNCS~13160}, publisher = {Springer}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-031-31476-6_16}, pdf = {}, } -
Rigorous Engineering of Collective Adaptive Systems Introduction to the 4th Track Edition.
In Tiziana Margaria and
Bernhard Steffen, editors,
Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification and Validation. Adaptation and Learning - 11th International Symposium, ISoLA 2022, Rhodes, Greece, October 22-30, 2022, Proceedings, Part III,
LNCS 13703,
pages 3-12,
Publisher's Version
BibTeX Entry
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/isola/WirsingNJ22, author = {Martin Wirsing and Rocco De Nicola and Stefan J{\"{a}}hnichen}, title = {Rigorous Engineering of Collective Adaptive Systems Introduction to the 4th Track Edition}, booktitle = {Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification and Validation. Adaptation and Learning - 11th International Symposium, ISoLA 2022, Rhodes, Greece, October 22-30, 2022, Proceedings, Part {III}}, editor = {Tiziana Margaria and Bernhard Steffen}, pages = {3--12}, year = {2022}, series = {LNCS~13703}, publisher = {Springer}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-031-19759-8_1}, pdf = {}, } -
Epistemic Ensembles.
In Tiziana Margaria and
Bernhard Steffen, editors,
Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification and Validation. Adaptation and Learning - 11th International Symposium, ISoLA 2022, Rhodes, Greece, October 22-30, 2022, Proceedings, Part III,
LNCS 13703,
pages 110-126,
Publisher's Version
BibTeX Entry
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/isola/HennickerKW22, author = {Rolf Hennicker and Alexander Knapp and Martin Wirsing}, title = {Epistemic Ensembles}, booktitle = {Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification and Validation. Adaptation and Learning - 11th International Symposium, ISoLA 2022, Rhodes, Greece, October 22-30, 2022, Proceedings, Part {III}}, editor = {Tiziana Margaria and Bernhard Steffen}, pages = {110--126}, year = {2022}, series = {LNCS~13703}, publisher = {Springer}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-031-19759-8_8}, pdf = {}, } -
On Learning Stable Cooperation in the Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma with Paid Incentives.
In 42nd IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems, ICDCS Workshops, Bologna, Italy, July 10, 2022,
pages 113-118,
Publisher's Version
BibTeX Entry
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/icdcs/SunPSWB22, author = {Xiyue Sun and Fabian Pieroth and Kyrill Schmid and Martin Wirsing and Lenz Belzner}, title = {On Learning Stable Cooperation in the Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma with Paid Incentives}, booktitle = {42nd {IEEE} International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems, {ICDCS} Workshops, Bologna, Italy, July 10, 2022}, pages = {113--118}, year = {2022}, publisher = {{IEEE}}, doi = {10.1109/ICDCSW56584.2022.00031}, pdf = {}, } -
Rigorous Engineering of Collective Adaptive Systems Introduction to the 3rd Track Edition.
In Tiziana Margaria and
Bernhard Steffen, editors,
Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification and Validation: Engineering Principles - 9th International Symposium on Leveraging
Applications of Formal Methods, ISoLA 2020, Rhodes, Greece, October 20-30, 2020, Proceedings, Part II,
LNCS 12477,
pages 161-170,
Publisher's Version
BibTeX Entry
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/isola/WirsingNJ20, author = {Martin Wirsing and Rocco De Nicola and Stefan J{\"{a}}hnichen}, title = {Rigorous Engineering of Collective Adaptive Systems Introduction to the 3rd Track Edition}, booktitle = {Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification and Validation: Engineering Principles - 9th International Symposium on Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, ISoLA 2020, Rhodes, Greece, October 20-30, 2020, Proceedings, Part {II}}, editor = {Tiziana Margaria and Bernhard Steffen}, pages = {161--170}, year = {2020}, series = {LNCS~12477}, publisher = {Springer}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-030-61470-6\_10}, } -
A Dynamic Logic for Systems with Predicate-Based Communication.
In Tiziana Margaria and
Bernhard Steffen, editors,
Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification and Validation: Engineering Principles - 9th International Symposium on Leveraging
Applications of Formal Methods, ISoLA 2020, Rhodes, Greece, October 20-30, 2020, Proceedings, Part II,
LNCS 12477,
pages 224-242,
Publisher's Version
BibTeX Entry
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/isola/HennickerW20, author = {Rolf Hennicker and Martin Wirsing}, title = {A Dynamic Logic for Systems with Predicate-Based Communication}, booktitle = {Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification and Validation: Engineering Principles - 9th International Symposium on Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, ISoLA 2020, Rhodes, Greece, October 20-30, 2020, Proceedings, Part {II}}, editor = {Tiziana Margaria and Bernhard Steffen}, pages = {224--242}, year = {2020}, series = {LNCS~12477}, publisher = {Springer}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-030-61470-6\_14}, }
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